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Putin springs leaks of his own as Russian Assange airs secrets

Putin springs leaks of his own as Russian Assange airs secrets

let me footin is learning thatembarrassing leaks are a two-way streetinfighting among students in a circlehas led to a series of disclosures overthe past few months that have shippedharsh light on the private dealings ofthe creveling court much as HillaryClinton has enjoyed the airing ofthousands of emails as a result of whatthe US cause Russian hacking of hiscampaign as the Kremlin gears up forPutin's last year election bid in 18months anti-graft crusader Alex sayingabout me has emerged as the conduit ofchoice rival factions to school dirt oneach other and they just want to retaintheir victims wild Putin has largelystay above the frayanonymous tips and research find thevalues staff of virtue have led to astring of revelations about theextravagance of some of the Russianleaders closest allies including a newluxury home for his former armycontracts for his personal chef andprivate jet travel for the show dogswith a top official the valleys criticssay he's just a pawn in the bigger gamebut the 40-year old lawyer says itdoesn't matter where leaks come from aslong as they expose official and and themore strife so along the way betterthey're starting to devour one anothernow he said that his foundations officein Moscow which is paid for throughpublic donations the latest bout havebeen fighting started in the Sun overthe largest asset sale of the yeara controlling stake in bash theft acrude producer with more than 10 billiondollars in annual sales see the stringrun state oil champion was Neville andhas worked with Putin since the nineteennineties Lynch the acquisition thismonth but only after a bitter feudpremiered mr. immediate first deputypremier shovel of both wanted was notexcluded from yourself as the debateintensified in July the valley publishedinvestigations on his website revealingthat shovel of had acquired 10 rejoiningpartners were covered in Moscowskyscraper and spend millions to shufflehis dogs around Europe private exchangeshall loves life said quarters QueenElizabeth to spare agreed to participateensures the board defender rushes onthose disclosures with followed by anewspaper reports detailing we use ofluxury yacht by streams wife and theroad no chips construction of anestimated 60 million dollars in anexclusive area near moscow in oneinvasion of privacy lawsuit over theproperty story but by then the bountyhas revealed that with the editorsbuilding a luxury home of his own withfunds from the billionaire bodiescharity the Premier's spokeswoman theytell you to make of it said the stagingquestion is owned by the state even whenthe scoops and his own the valley servesas an amplified by tweeting about themit is 1.68 million Twitter followersthis is what value does he collectstretchmillion to have a spokesman and napkinsto putting spokesman ed tesco said theKremlin have no opinions about thevalley while spokesman shoving out theFirst Deputy Prime Minister trying tocome in to keep pace laps and advisewith Putin during his first decade inall of this map breaking just shows thatthe state's campaign against corruptionis little more than a diversions in themain event fight for survival amongrival groups one in which the valuesconsider school everyone in this arenais in a state of conflictlaughs easter 2011 in the valley clientto parlay whose popularity is a majorstockholder in state-run giants like aproblem Transneft into a politicalcareer he's been detained numerous timeshelp for a year under house arrest andbeen convicted for twice he says thecharges work laptop to borrow from runthe office like he did 2013 when hereports to run off in Moscow mayoralrace against asians hand-pickedincumbent the valley said suspendedsentences fed him from jail for hisbrother who was also convicted of old isserving two years like a hostage thoughhe'll back fans at home with the RussianJulian last singed my cleats found inthe deafening Clinton's campaign abouthe said but he has no ties to theanti-secrecy group which is fun workdifficult in a fundamental way it relieson its resources and citizen researchersnot an axe data you also rejectsdomestic critics accuse and working onbehalf of us interest as Transneft seeyou later carried in 2011 after thevalley completed a fellowship four-yearuniversity and then help your tens ofthousands on to Moscow streets for thebiggest onto fluting protests ever asfor the u.s. claims of rationalconclusion with like leaks which theKremlin denies the activists said theymay be right

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